The Use Of Ozone For Grain Treatment

Generally, chemicals and insecticides are used in grain treatment systems. However, for grain treatment, ozone generator is the best option, because it does not require chemicals or insecticides.

This article will help you find how ozone for grain treatment can impact agriculture by reducing the amount of chemicals used. Continue reading to find out more!

Ozone For Grain Treatment

Grain producers are investigating new methods for controlling insects, pathogens, and pests in grain storage due to pesticide resistance and the growing demand for organic grains.

It is estimated that approximately 10-18% of grain stored gets ruined by insects, which can be prevented with the application of ozone. This fact has been demonstrated in various research studies.

In many applications, ozone is used as a disinfectant and antimicrobial agent because of its powerful oxidative ability.

In fact, this treatment is very well known in the food and beverage industry for its effect on disinfection, odor removal and color removal.

In addition to fresh vegetables and fruits, this technology has been used to treat milk products (such as fluid milk, powdered milk, and cheese), juices, and even food grain (such as wheat flour).

In addition to mycotoxin destruction, insect killing, and microbial inactivation, ozone has proven to be a great grain preservation agent. Ozone offers one of the most effective means of eliminating storage insects such as Tribolium castaneum and Sitophilus zeamais in maize and Tribolium confusum in wheat.

How does it work?

Microbes, bacteria, and mold are killed by ozone, an oxidizing agent. It can reduce contamination caused by fungi and toxins found on the grain’s surface due to its strong sterilization properties.

Besides microbes, ozone can also be used to degrade or eliminate storage pests and mycotoxins in food products. The pesticide can also effectively kill 100 percent of adult insects found in the grain mass.

Pesticides and fungicides are more environmentally friendly when treated with ozone. It provides several safety advantages.

Despite the presence of residual insecticides in products, toxic chemicals aren’t present, mixing of chemicals is not a risk, and no issues are associated with the disposal of containers or left-over insecticides.

Oxygen automatically breaks down the excess ozone, so grain is not stained. There is no danger in consuming cereal products that have been exposed to ozone.

Wheat grains can be positively influenced by the treatment as the chemical components in the grains are oxidized and the mycotoxins and fungi are eliminated.

As a food processing technique, ozonation is considered to be economical and eco-friendly. Additionally, it helps restore damaged grains and extends shelf life.

A cost-effective alternative to chemical additives, Ozone can be effectively used in the grain industry.

The use of ozone can therefore be used under the right reaction conditions to produce the desirable properties of grain products while at the same time ensuring the safety of the foods.

Ozone For Grain Treatment

Mycotoxin Reduction in Grains

Molds, such as aflatoxin and vomitoxin, can produce mycotoxins when grain is harvested and stored with certain kinds of mold.  Besides killing the harmful mold, ozone will also break down mycotoxins, which will allow grain to be sold for human consumption or livestock consumption.

Insect Control in grain

Ozone can be used in grain for a variety of uses, including curing infested grain, keeping insects out, or removing infected grain.

Also Read: How To Chose Best Ozone Generator?

Mold removal in grain

Moisture and mold can cause damage to grains when improperly stored.  The use of ozone to remove mold is common in many industries.  The same techniques are also used in grain to address a potentially catastrophic problem in a cost-effective way.

Notable Benefits of Ozone

  • Stops mold growth
  • Environmentally friendly (green) alternative
  • Works as a fumigant and insecticide
  • Does not damage grain
  • Easy to implement
  • Destroys mycotoxins (vomitoxin, aflatoxin, ect.)

Other applications of Ozone

Oxidation by ozone breaks down insoluble soils into smaller molecules that can be washed out of fabrics with ordinary washing machines by breaking down soluble soil molecules into water-soluble molecules.

Furthermore, there are other beneficial processes, such as the way that ozone influences the properties of water, so that it can be used in combination with certain detergents containing alkalis and surfactants with enhanced efficiency. Ozone is an effective cleaner in laundry operations thanks to its cleaning-enhancing properties.  

Oxygen can be produced by ultraviolet light and powerful electrical fields. This is what generates ozone, one of the most powerful oxidants available. There are a number of uses for it today, including disinfection of drinking water, preservation of water quality in aquariums and whale pools, deodorization of smoke damaged properties, and cleaning of hot tubs and swimming pools.

The oxidative action of ozone will react with a wide variety of proteins, fats, oils, tannins, and serum constituents that comprise most soils found on textiles. The oxidation process of ozone results in many materials being cleaved into smaller portions with improved solubility characteristics, making them easier to remove with significantly fewer chemicals. Oxygen based bleaches that work on color safe fabrics are generally odorless, remove stains, destroy microbes, and leave fabrics undamaged. 

Final words

The food supply chain relies heavily on grain handling and processing facilities. Most of the staples in demand at the grocery store wouldn’t be possible without them. As the current health pandemic disrupts supply chains worldwide, operators and suppliers shouldn’t have to worry about insect infestations hampering business operations. When it comes to pests and food safety, your customers expect quality grains from your business. Your sanitation program will keep pests out in no time, and maintain customers’ confidence in your business.

Give us a call if you would like any further information about ozone and grain treatment. Our experienced staff will be happy to talk to you about your needs and how we might be able to help.

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