Are you considering purchasing an ozone generator to help improve your indoor air quality? If so, it’s important to understand how to use them safely. In this blog post, we’ll provide tips on how to use an ozone generator properly and avoid potential health risks. Keep reading for more information!
If you’re looking for a way to get rid of strong odors, an ozone generator is your best bet. It’s ideal for getting rid of smells like tobacco smoke, mold, mildew, fire damage, and even pet urine that has tainted the entire airspace of the environment. Ozone generators quickly work to oxidize the odors. Odor eliminating air generators are widely used in several sectors, such as hotels, apartment complexes, rentals, food processing plants, and even disaster restoration projects.
Although these air machines have typically been good at eliminating airborne contaminants, the ozone generator has gotten negative reviews in recent years because it may be harmful to human health if used improperly.
What Is an Ozone Machine and How Does It Work?
A portable ozone machine can be used in the home or car to remove pollutants and odors.
Ozone is made up of three oxygen molecules (O3) rather than two (O2). Because the third molecule in ozone might readily separate and attach itself to the chemical structure of microorganisms, it is useful in removing pollutants, viruses, bacteria, germs, and odors. As a result, they become ineffective. The ozone machine is switched on and left running for a while without anyone in the room. After the ozone has done its job, the space must be opened and the air allowed to leave.
Ozone Generator Dangers
Though ozone generators are safe to use in home, industrial and medical settings, extra care must be taken when using them at your facility. If too much ozone is produced, it can surpass public health guidelines and become harmful to human health. When it comes to eliminating mold in the house, for example, a large amount of ozone is required. As a result, it should be used with caution or not at all in residential houses. People who are exposed to ozone might experience a variety of respiratory problems. Ozone’s ability to readily combine with organic elements to generate odors and pollution is due in part to the same qualities that allow it to react so readily with organic substances in the environment. It can also interact with organic components in the body to wreak havoc.
Some of the negative effects of ozone include throat and lung irritation, asthma, cough, chest pain, shortness of breath, eye and nose tenderness, and an increased risk of respiratory infection. Children, asthmatics, and the elderly are particularly susceptible to its symptoms. It can also affect dogs. Inhaling ozone might impair the immune system and it less effective in fighting respiratory infections. Ozone exposure, even at low levels, can cause lung irritation and plants in indoor spaces are also affected by ozone. High ozone levels can damage or kill plants, as well as create discoloration, patches, and reddening. Furthermore, common household items such as carpets and furniture can also be impacted by high ozone levels.
Ozone Generator Safety Precautions
There are several safety precautions that you may take in order to reduce the dangers posed by ozone generators.
- Manual – It’s essential to read the instructions written in the ozone generator manual for safe operations.
- Always seal the room where you will be using the ozone generator. This can be done by taping or towels along with doors and windows, and covering vents. Ozone is harmful to living beings, so while disinfecting your home with an ozone generator make sure to evacuate the house of all people, remove indoor plants, and pets.
- Steel goods, paintings, and other items in the room should be covered with a blanket before operating an ozone machine.
- The average duration for an entire room is 20-30 minutes. You can repeat the ozone treatment process if needed.
- Most advanced ozone machines come equipped with a timer. Once the timer goes off, the machine automatically shuts itself down and prevents you from entering the now disinfected area. If your ozone machine doesn’t have a timer, make sure to cover your mouth and nose with a towel so that ozone doesn’t enter your respiratory system.
- Wait Time – As previously stated, breathing in ozone poses a significant health risk. As a result, it’s best to wait at least two hours after shutting off the ozone generator before entering the disinfected property or room.
- Clean your ozone generator every two to six months for the best performance. If you use it frequently, make sure to wipe down the output area regularly too so it doesn’t get dusty or oily.
Several respiratory problems, like lung and throat irritation, chest pain, shortness of breath and eye or nose irritation can come from exposure to ozone. Furthermore, pets and indoor plants are also negatively impacted by ozone. So, before you operate an ozone machine make sure that the area is unoccupied. You can prevent any possible health risks by following the recommended safety measures while using the ozone generator.
2 thoughts on “Ozone Machine Dangers: How To Safely Use An Ozone Generator”
Can you use an Ozone generator after a flood in damp spaces like garage?
Is it ethical to use ozone for industrial wastewater treatment, even though it may have negative impacts on the environment and human health in the long run?”,