Ozone Treatment For Ventilation Systems

In cooling towers, air washers, compressors, and other heat exchange equipment, water treatment is the most significant factor affecting their operation and longevity. In many cases, ozone treatment for ventilation systems is more economical than chemical water treatment equipment because it is modular, highly reliable, and extremely efficient. Generally, the purpose of sterilizing the water tank water is to eliminate mold and sterilize the water. However, the main goal is to save money as well as reduce the environmental impact of harsh chemicals.

ozone treatment for ventilation

Cooling towers using ozone are classified as a “Pollution Prevention Technology” by the California EPA (GRAS Approval). For safer cooling tower operations, the CDC has proven that it kills Legionella bacteria faster and more thoroughly.

An ambient ozone monitor should be installed either on the generator skid or on the wall next to it to shut down the generator if a leak is detected. Generators are generally placed near water tanks and cooling towers.

Ozone Treatment for Industrial Ventilation

Minerals and microbial growth can decrease the efficiency of heat transfer in ventilation systems if the water used in ventilation systems is not treated. Ventilation systems water treatment uses ozone, which is a powerful disinfectant. Ozone has played an important role in preventing and controlling legionnaires disease (legionella) causing microbes. By reducing or eliminating the use of chemicals, ozone water treatment disinfection offers significant advantages over the traditional chemical water treatment disinfection procedure in cooling towers. 

ozone treatment for ventilation

Using ozone in ventilation system maintenance can save money on operations and maintenance besides reducing the cost of chemical disinfection. Due to ozone’s powerful biocidal properties, it can reduce or entirely eliminate the need to remove water from the cooling tower in order to reduce the concentration of organic and mineral solids in the system. It is a highly effective method of destroying bacteria, fungi, and viruses, including legionella, in cooling towers associated with air-conditioning coolers. 

It may be necessary to optimize the system in order to prevent corrosion and ensure a clean system rather than a biologically and mineralogically contaminated system if ozone is a corrosion stimulant rather than an inhibitor.

Must Check Out: Top Ozone Applications

Air washers in commercial buildings humidify and dehumidify large volumes of air circulating throughout occupied areas. In mills and manufacturing plants, lint/fibers, dust, and vapors are removed from the air by using the same principle of air handling. Manufacturing processes also use exhaust fumes to clean air washers of volatile organics. A large air-handling washer has a maximum airflow rate of 100,000 cubic feet per minute (cfm). The air handling room is filled with an elaborate spray system that creates a wall of water that must be passed through in order for it to function properly.

Organic and inorganic materials are picked up by air washers and eventually dissolved in water. A central tank supplies water for spraying in most cases. In order to maintain a healthy working environment, reduce biofilm formation and ensure the cooling/heating equipment is functioning properly, chemical biocides – both oxidizing and non-oxidizing – must be used to treat the reservoir. It is almost always avoided to combine chlorine and bromine because of the smell they release into the air. In many cases, sump cleaning schedules are no longer necessary because ozone is an effective biocide.

Benefits of Ozone Generator for Ventilation Systems

ozone treatment for ventilation
  • Ozone is more powerful than chlorine.
  • The ventilation system blowdown with ozone will be the only treatment needed in most cases, without any additional chemicals. Ozone does not develop immunity to bacteria unlike non-oxidizing biocides. The use of biocides (chemicals) is not required for alternative treatment programs.
  • Ozone is not harmful to cooling system metals, pumps, or valves when properly dissolved and diluted. By eliminating chiller tube cleaning (to remove biofouling), the operation is virtually maintenance free.
  • There are no chemical residuals in the blowdown, resulting in a non-ecological operation with no impact on the environment or need for discharge permits. There are no chemicals to store, handle, transport, liabilities, secondary containment, MSDS records or eyewash stations at the site.
  • For remote monitoring of ORP and water conductivity, automated equipment can be linked to the Building Management System.
  • Safe and easy to use
  • Low maintenance costs
  • Ozone is produced on-site, and there is no need to store dangerous chemicals
  • Ozone requires no additional chemicals
  • There is no need to mix disinfectants. Despite frequent exposure to ozone, microorganisms cannot develop resistance
  • Very effective in removing biofilms
  • We do not use any chemicals that are persistent. Oxygen is produced by the breakdown of ozone.
  • No further oxidation of the fixture is required. A large amount of Ozone will likewise be consumed as a by-product of sewage off-gassings
  • A patina will form on a surface when ozone oxidizes it, limiting further oxidation
  • Ozone is effective in a wide pH range

Bottom Line

Contaminants and pharmaceuticals can accumulate in ventilation systems. Biological wastewater treatment is usually an option for organic contaminants because they are easily biodegradable. These treatments, however, require rather large areas of land and considerable time to complete.

Ozone treatment requires the least amount of energy and is the least expensive method for treating wastewater. Ozone can provide a technique for reducing BOD and COD levels when there is insufficient time for bioprocessing. In addition to aiding sludge dewatering, ozone has also been shown to aid filtration. It is possible to disinfect biotreated effluents with ozone, therefore avoiding chlorination and avoiding chlorinated organics entering the environment.

All things considered, ozone generator is an ideal solution to go with for ventilation systems. if you are ready to purchase one for your industry, you can check out our collection of best ozone generators for industrial use.

If you have any confusions regarding our products, or need more detailed information, you can let us know. We will surely help you out.

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