Our own atmosphere is rich in ozone and hydroxyl compounds. The ozone layer is well known to many people. Molecularly, ozone assists in blocking harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun. A world without ozone would be impossible. This blog post covers everything you need to know about hydroxyl vs ozone generators.
Aside from blocking UV rays, ozone is also used to break down harmful gasses, such as carbon monoxide. Thunderstorms also produce ozone. As a result of the lightning, oxygen (02) is split and ozone is formed. That’s why the air smells fresh after a storm.
We have another molecule in our atmosphere, the OH- molecule (or hydroxyl radical). Light shining through clouds creates hydroxyls every day. Hydroxyl radicals are created by the interaction between ultraviolet light and humidity in the air. These particles keep the air on earth clean by converting moisture into hydroxyl radicals.
Ozone and hydroxyl radicals are both oxidizers. They break down organic matter, odor, and molecules as a result of a chain reaction that ultimately produces carbon dioxide (CO2), oxygen, and water. As part of cleaning and restoration processes, technology is used to introduce these naturally occurring air cleaners to our structures.
Ozone and hydroxyl generators are primarily used to remove the odors of water damage, mold remediation, fire damage, household odors, and biodegradable waste.
To start, a thorough cleaning is recommended so that the source of the odor can be removed. Plugging in, turning on, and running the equipment, until the work is done, is all it takes to operate it. Despite the similar results provided by ozone and hydroxyl units, their applications differ. Here is the comparison of hydroxyl vs ozone generators.
Ozone Generators
![ozone generator](https://ozongenerators.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/2.jpg)
Different industries have been using ozone generators for a long time. In addition, most commercial business are familiar with them as they are a staple of odor control.
Ozone generators works quickly and will accomplish the task in few minutes. Depending on the job and severity of the odors, ozone generators can run for up 20-30 minutes. Due to its large half-life and tendency to build up in confined spaces, ozone has a half-life of approximately twenty minutes.
Homes and commercial businesses tend to use ozone most frequently. Ideally, the machine should be located near a central air return, the air filter in the return should be removed, and the fan and/or air conditioner should be turned on. In this way, the ozone will be transported into the ductwork and dispersed throughout the building. Place the ozone generator in a central location or in an area where odors are most severe if there is no central air system. The goal is to disperse ozone evenly throughout the structure, so additional air movement is advantageous. Deodorizing contents requires nothing more complicated than placing all contents into a room or warehouse, adding an air mover if possible, and running the ozone until the smells are eliminated.
Must Check Out: Top Applications Of Ozone
Equipment operation for ozone treatment should only be done in areas that are unoccupied. In the industrial areas, a special warning sign should be placed at the entrance to the area where the ozone treatment is being done, stating, “Caution: Ozone treatment in process.”.
The reason for the ozone warning is that it is classified as an upper respiratory irritant and can cause respiratory problems in humans and animals, but if you follow the protocol correctly, you will have no issues.
Hydroxyl Generators
In nature, hydroxyl radicals (*OH) are formed when UV light from the sun disassembles water vapor (H20) into unpaired electron radicals. Air pollution is neutralized by hydroxyl radicals in the atmospheric environment. In spite of this, natural hydroxyls tend not to affect indoor air much due to their short life. By circulating air through a chamber where hydroxyl reactions occur, commercial hydroxyl generators reproduce the effects of outdoor hydroxyl production. As contaminants pass through the machines, hydroxyls initiate chain reactions that partially degrade contaminants, ultimately leaving only carbon dioxide and water behind.
The use of hydroxyl generators has spread among water and fire damage restoration companies and mold remediation professionals due to the fact that hydroxyl radicals aren’t toxic and are effective in hot, humid environments to remove the same contaminants as ozone, while also removing many more over a longer period of time. However, hydroxyl generators might require three times as much time to get the same results as ozone treatment.
In the air purification process, hydroxyls can be produced in two ways: using Photocatalytic Oxidation (PCO) or an Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP). These methods are not without benefits and drawbacks. With PCO, fresh air ventilation can be left on without being monitored in occupied spaces. Hydrogen atoms are stripped from water molecules in the air by ultraviolet light-activated catalysts.
Chemical reactions in the air that produce hydroxyls without contact with a catalyst are the AOP methods for producing hydroxyls. Direct hydroxyl production (DHP), also known as AOP, has the advantage of being able to form more hydroxyls than catalyst-mediated production.
Hydrogen peroxide, among other byproducts, can reach toxic levels in some environments, making it necessary to keep certain areas unoccupied or closely monitored during periods when machines are running. Different deodorization projects typically utilize hydroxyl generators and ozone generators.
What’s the Verdict?
All things considered, ozone generators offer more features and pose fewer risks to certain materials than other methods like hydroxyls generator or chlorine based solutions. We’re ready to show you what you’ve been missing if you haven’t used an ozone generator yet!
You can go through our best ozone generator models here and get the one according to your needs.